Worship is from the heart

In today's message on "Truth for Life," And what the writer is warning against here is the meaninglessness of mechanical worship. . . . When God looks upon us as worshippers, he doesn’t listen to us through the speakers; he listens to us through the stethoscope. And therefore, it is vitally important that in the way in which we use words, we’re not using words in quantity to cover up the quality of our desire to praise him. You should beware, because God sees the invisible, and he hears the inaudible.” God does not listen to this exercise in praise and study and application through the speakers. . . . He listens to what’s going on through a stethoscope that he places on our chests or on our backs and through which he hears what’s really happening on the inside, irrespective of all the ambient noise, irrespective of everything that we have may want to present to the outside."

So, if I would be so bold as to add anything of value to this, true worship originates from the heart not the mouth. Simply standing in a darkened room reading words on a screen or in a fully lighted room reading words from a hymnal DO NOT QUALIFY as true worship. (Of course, the mouth is involved as we use it to express what is upon our hearts.) Perhaps the Master, Jesus, said it best in His conversation with the Woman at the Well of Sychar: “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”” (John 4:23–24)

So, how's your worship? Mouth or heart? Does God hear you when you worship Him?


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