
04/23/2023 - What DO We Know?

Join me for my Sunday Message, "What DO We Know?" We are living in the age of instant information. In the days of my youth if we needed some small bit of information, we had to consult a book, or books in order to learn the facts we sought. Today, I have the world at hand, or should I say "IN HAND" as my Google assistant stands ready to find the answers in less time that it takes to clear my throat.

Yes we know a lot. But it is what we don't know that can sometimes catch us off guard and defenseless. In this message I am going to explore Paul's comments to the Romans in the 8th chapter. He makes it clear that we do not and cannot know the future and many times we don't know what to pray. However, we do know this: In all things that happen in life God is at work for our GOOD and HIS GLORY. Of course, there are some provisions in this incredible verse of promise that we must meet to come under its blessing.


05/07/2023 - Preach the Word - patiently and carefully


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