
09/17/2023 - Fruit That Remains

Join me for my Sunday message, "Fruit that remains, lessons from the vineyard." During the Last Supper discourses, in John 15, Jesus gives a teaching illustrated by the agricultural process of grape growing. He declares Himself to be the "vine" connected to the soil with roots deep in the Kingdom of God. He further describes His followers to be the "branches" which are the fruit bearing appendages upon which the fruit of the vine grows and develops.

The lessons are clear but also a bit more difficult for those who believe the Christian life to be nothing more than a series of boxes checked in order to get a ticket to eternal life. The anticipation of the "gardener," whom Jesus identifies as His Father, is that when he comes to inspect the produce of His labor in the Vineyard, He will find the branches of the Vine bearing "much fruit." The insight Jesus gives here regards the process of pruning the branches in order to stimulate the development of "fruit that will last, having the seed of generations in it.

Join me as we together explore this pivotal passage in the last hour development of His closest followers.


10/01/2023 - Digging Wells in the Valley of Gerar


09/10/2023 - Unto the Least of These