
05/28/2023 - Why Pentecost

Join me for my Sunday message, "Why Pentecost?" This being Pentecost Sunday, the day we recognize the birth of the Church of Jesus Christ, I am bringing a message that seeks to answer not only the why question but in reality, the "when" question as well. How is it that God in His infinite wisdom chose the Jewish Feast of Pentecost as the day to pour out the Holy Spirit upon the believers gathered in one place with one purpose? It might seem a trivial thing to some but upon deeper analysis it is quite apparent that there was much more to the plan than would meet the initial analysis. Why Pentecost? The mission of Christ upon the earth had in reality only begun with the relatively short termed ministry of Jesus. An empowered people would be needed to spread out over the known world to continue the work of drawing people into a relationship with the timeless, eternal God. Why Pentecost? Harvest celebration was a perfect time for the Holy Spirit to infuse the gathered believers and bring them into the community of the King known as the Church. Oh yes, there is much, much more! Join me tomorrow and we will explore it all together.


06/04/2023 - Stones of Testimony


05/14/2023 - Plans: Yours, Mine and God's.