
01/14/2024 - Strategies for a Strategic Year

Join me for my Sunday message, "Strategies for a Strategic Year."

There can be no question that the year 2024 will be a truly strategic year in the life of not only western culture but that of the whole world. To start the elections that take place in November are destined to be a turning point for the Nation. In addition, the condition of the economy and the fate of working families and especially of those living on a fixed income are all critical concerns. Hatred, bigotry and warfare are still all too prevalent as well as the growing lawlessness we see manifest all around us. And yet in many ways the people of God, called by HIs Name, are indifferent to the developments in the political, social and relational realms. We just seem to be banking on the idea that Jesus is coming, and it just doesn't matter if, when or how we should respond.

The Apostle Paul faced such indifference in his day as well and the solution he offered to the church at Thessalonica was as valid then as it still remains today. In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19, he offers nine strategies for coping with the curse of the culture and in return advancing God's Kingdom. If you want a fresh approach to a new year then listen in tomorrow.


01/21/2024 - It's the Little Things


01/07/2024 - What Can God Do With a Bunch of Leftovers?