
05/07/2023 - Preach the Word - patiently and carefully

Join me for my Sunday Message, "Preach the Word - patiently and carefully." The Apostle Paul was in his final hours before execution, likely writing from the depths of the Mamertine Prison beneath the streets of Rome. He penned what was likely his last letter to his son in the faith, Timothy and in it offered up his last will and testament of his ministry. In the final chapter, Paul extends to Timothy a charge which is still used today in many Ordination Services. The command is "to preach the Word, in season and out of season."

The original language here indicates the idea of a "favorable time" and an "unfavorable time." In other words, the command to preach and teach the living, active Word of Our Sovereign God was without apology a charge and an exhortation to faithfully communicate the whole of God's message even at times when it would not be well received. The business of preaching is not to "tickle the ears or the fancy" of the gathered congregants. But instead our purpose must always be to "correct, rebuke and encourage" the Word which is "living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword.

Eternity is always on the line when a pastor-teacher steps into the pulpit to deliver not a speech, but a sermon. Sermons call us to make decisions, hard decisions. No preacher worth his salt would ever take the responsibility lightly.


05/14/2023 - Plans: Yours, Mine and God's.


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