
07/21/2024 - I'll Be Back

Join me for my Sunday message in the continuing series, Last Words, The Last Super Discourses in the Gospel of John, "I'll Be Back."

“In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me.” A very enigmatic statement that His first disciples had a hard time understanding. They, like us, had so many questions: Where is He going? Why is it a good thing that He is going? Why can’t we go too? Who or what is this “advocate” He keeps talking about and what will He do that we have not already done?

Questions of this kind are a natural part of living the Kingdom life and serving our Master Jesus. The disciples were struggling to put their traditional Jewish teaching on the mission of Messiah into the context of Jesus' statements about the purpose of His coming.

Here, He undoubtedly was talking about His pending death and the joy of the resurrection that would follow. However, within this promise of His return from the dead we can also draw the promise of "joy out of sorrow" when our Lord returns, not from beyond the grave, but this time from a place He has prepared for us.

Many today are grieving over the loss of a dear loved one but the promise that joy will come in the morning gives us hope and restores our joy. In a little while, He is coming, and He will not delay.


07/28/2024 - A Delegated Authority


07/07/2024 - Not On Our Own