
07/02/2023 - Whose Nation Is It Anyway?

Join me for a special Sunday Message in honor of our Nation's 247th Birthday: "Whose Nation Is It Anyway?"

It has been well observed by historians that no great nation or empire in history has lasted IN ITS PRIME more than 250 years. Think of that! Babylon ,Persia, Greece, Rome, even Great Britian could not sustain their world dominance and leadership more than a quarter of a millennia. So where are we on the timeline of history and in the sovereign plan of God?

In Psalm 33, the writer/composer reflects upon the keys to a nation's survival saying that only a nation whose leaders and populus who are united under God's rule can expect to receive the blessings of prosperity and protection long-term. Otherwise, if the Nations and its leaders choose to follow the ways of the Pagan nations, they will suffer the consequences of their poor choices. God has thus far been VERY patient with The United States of America, but could it be that His patience is running short? Blessed is the Nation whose God is the LORD. Psalm 33:12.


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