Justice or Fairness?

2 Chronicles 19:4-7
Jehoshaphat lived in Jerusalem, and he went out again among the people from Beersheba to the hill country of Ephraim and turned them back to the Lord, the God of their ancestors. He appointed judges in the land, in each of the fortified cities of Judah. He told them, “Consider carefully what you do, because you are not judging for mere mortals but for the Lord, who is with you whenever you give a verdict. Now let the fear of the Lord be on you. Judge carefully, for with the Lord our God there is no injustice or partiality or bribery.”

In his instructions to the Judges he appointed in the fortified cities of Judah, King Jehoshaphat he reminded them to judge carefully because God Himself is impartial, impervious to bribes and bargains and ultimately just!.

I have claimed for years that "fairness" is not a Biblical doctrine. it started with my children when they would claim with a childish whine "That's not fair" and my response would always be "you are right, it's not fair because life is not fair and neither is God fair - but He is just and His justice will be dispensed in this house."

I finally saw this passage this morning in my daily reading and it confirms what my Theology Professors taught and what I have believed. If you are looking for fairness don't look to God - He has not divided the goodies nor the glory equally; nor will He ever make that His practice. He is sovereign and just and that is enough!


Pointless Signs


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