
06/30/2024 - Like Master, Like Servant

Join me for my Sunday Message in the continuing series, Last Words, the Last Supper Discourses in the Gospel of John: "Like Master, Like Servant".

In the first of several "secrets of the Kingdom" that Jesus shared with His Disciples, He revealed to them that there would be opposition. If the world hated Him, they would hate them also. No servant is of more importance or stature than his master and so it would be with them, persecution for the sake of their message would inevitably come. Both the religious and cultural world of their day did not readily accept their message. People steeped in darkness were greatly offended by the light bearers and their message of escape from the darkness. And yet with the opposition came great growth and maturity for the church as a whole and its members individually as well.

If we take a look at the worldwide statistics regarding martyrdom and persecution today it is a grim and growing concern. Here in America our opposition is often of a more subtle variety but make no mistake, it still exists and the threats to our religious freedoms are growing exponentially. Since there may be very little we can do to stop it, how can we better prepare for the coming opposition that Jesus promised would befall His true followers? Paul in fact said it best to his young protege Timothy. "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted," 2 Tim 3:12. Join me for a primer on preparation for the coming storms of opposition.


07/07/2024 - Not On Our Own


06/23/2024 - Friendship with Jesus