
12/17/2023 - God Has Provided the Lamb: Worthy is the Lamb That Was Slain

Join me for the final message in my Advent series, "God Has Provided the Lamb." Today's message: "Worthy is the Lamb That Was Slain." It is apparent to me that so much of the true meaning of Christmas is lost in the over saturation of tinsel, trimmings, trinkets and tunes. Is anybody else beside me sick of Christmas Music by the time Christmas week rolls around? I mean how many renditions of Sleigh Ride could you possibly want to collect in your brains????

Yes, the Manger and the kids and the star and story are all essential to the incarnation, but the truth is this: "We do not come to worship either a baby in the manger or a corpse on a cross. We come to glorify, exalt, praise and adore the slain but living, reigning Lamb of God who has taken away, carried away, borne in His body on the tree my sin, your sin and the sin of all humanity. A mighty Warrior in His own right. O Come, Let Us Adore Him, CHRIST THE LORD!


12/31/2023 - Pressing On in '24


12/10/2023 - God Has Provided the Lamb: When I See the Blood...