
12/31/2023 - Pressing On in '24

Join me for my Sunday Message, "Pressing On in '24." In Philippians 3:13–14, the Apostle reflecting on his journey with the Master Jesus made this remark. "Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

I truly believe this is the very verse for this hour as we, the soldiers of Kingdom of God, face the uncertainty and angst of a new year. Undoubtedly there will be victories (Jesus promised it would be so). But there will also be trials and tempestuous days that will try the very devotion and commitment of God's army (Jesus ALSO promised this would be so as well.)

Facing the uncertainty of the new year and the transitions that will very likely occur, I would propose there are three possible responses we could make: 1. anxiety (worry about what to do) 2. apathy (what difference does it make) 3. anticipation (I just can't wait to see what new thing God is going to do in and through me this year!) So, tune it tomorrow for a message to start your New Year's celebration right.


01/07/2024 - What Can God Do With a Bunch of Leftovers?


12/17/2023 - God Has Provided the Lamb: Worthy is the Lamb That Was Slain