
08/18/2024 - There's a Change a Comin!'

Join me for my Sunday Message "There's a Change a Comin!'" I had announced previously that last week would be the final message the Last Words series, but upon further review I feel constrained to speak to the changes that continue to transpire in our culture and society in this one additional message from John 14-16.

Jesus repeatedly warned His disciples of the changes that would be coming to their lives and their relationship with Him. However, like most of us today they ignored His warnings and proceeded to act as if everything would continue as it had. It did not. Jesus would go to the cross, die and they would be left to wonder what would become of His Kingdom and their place in it.

The same could be said of us today and I wish not so much to issue a warning but to assist us in surviving the changes not through compromise and adaptation but through constant focus upon the God who does not change, the Gospel that does not change and the Master Jesus who has never changed nor abandoned His church. Even in the midst of uncertain days, God is still at work accomplishing His sovereign, providential plan.


08/25/2024 - The Grumpy Prophet


08/11/2024 - Know Jesus, Know Peace, No Jesus, No Peace