
08/25/2024 - The Grumpy Prophet

Join me for my Sunday message from the new series from the Prophecy of Habakkuk, entitled "The Grumpy Prophet."

The Book of the minor prophet Habakkuk is only three chapters long (hence its designation as 'minor") but its impact for those of us reading and digesting it is more powerful than the space it occupies. This prophecy could very well have been given regarding America today.

The prophet is distressed because he thinks God is ignoring his pleas to rescue the people of Judah from the invading armies that are seeking their destruction. He cries out for justice to be done. However, it is quite apparent that the Prophet's understanding of justice is both temporal and human whereas God's justice is divine, eternal in scope and providential in plan.

Are we not just like the prophet? We whine and complain to God that He does not listen and does not save, tolerating the many wrongs we see about us. But God's justice is never hurried, often does not seem to us to be all that helpful and certainly does not at first leave us hopeful. However if we, like the prophet, will learn to wait and trust God's wheels of justice will ultimately prove to be for the best possible outcome.


09/01/2024 - "Habakkuk" "A Divine Answer to a VERY Mortal Question "


08/18/2024 - There's a Change a Comin!'