
12/10/2023 - God Has Provided the Lamb: When I See the Blood...

Join me for my Sunday message in the continuing Advent series God has provided the lamb. The message this week "When I See the Blood. . ."

The Passover is a Jewish celebration commemorating the Deliverance of the Hebrew people from their Egyptian slavery. There are many parallels between the celebration of Passover with the Slaughter of the Passover Lamb and the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. So much so that Paul in 1st Corinthians 5:7 said Christ Our Passover Lamb has been slain. Join me as we explore the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world as foreshadowed in the Jewish feast of Passover.


12/17/2023 - God Has Provided the Lamb: Worthy is the Lamb That Was Slain


12/03/2023 - God Has Provided the Lamb - Part 2