11/17/2024 - Transition (Succession): David to Solomon, a dwelling place for God.
Join me for message number two in the "Succession" series: "David to Solomon, a dwelling place for God."
David had the heart of a shepherd, but he was also a "warrior King" as was evidenced by his confrontation with Goliath, the bear and the lion. His desire, indeed, his longing was to build a suitable dwelling place for the Ark of the Covenant, the symbol of God's presence among His people. However, when he proposed this plan to God, his request was denied. God would instead allow David's son, Solomon, to do the work. It might be interesting to note that Solomon was not the only son of David who might have a claim to be the heir to the throne of Israel. Having many wives and many sons it would come down to the King's choice.
David did not just select and commission Solomon to succeed him and do the work of building the temple. David also laid out the plans, collected the materials for the building and furnishings, and appointed leaders for the work and priests and Levites for the service to the Lord. God had directed David to Solomon because He saw in him the potential of one who would ask for great wisdom and knowledge to lead the people. It would need to be a man of such wisdom and insight to build the temple of the Lord and continue to grow the Kingdom and the people of God. It is my prayer that He will do this same thing in Bethany with my successor.