
09/15/2024 - Habakkuk, A Minor Prophet with a Major Message

Join me for my next message in the series: Habakkuk, A Minor Prophet with a Major Message.

In the previous messages we learned that Habakkuk had approached God with a complaint that He was not listening to his calls for help and was not dealing with the violence, destruction and injustice the people of Judah were experiencing. God responds by explaining that He has proposed to use the "ruthless and impetuous" Chaldeans (Babylonians) to bring judgment upon His sinful, idolatrous people. God states that He is preparing to do something unprecedented in Habakkuk's day.

This week we will look further into Habakkuk's second complaint to God, but more essential to the story we will see how the prophet makes it his goal to finally quit complaining and start listening to God. Is it not true that very often we "hear" but we do not listen? This is especially true of our relationship with God. We are so focused on trying to get God to hear us that we fail to wait in His presence to really hear His counsel.

With everything that is "pending" in our culture just now, it would behoove us to learn to wait in His presence, quietly listening for His word to us. In many ways it could be forecast that judgment is coming upon us as a nation for our many sins. If so, then Believers of all people should be seeking the face, the voice and the counsel of God. Like Habakkuk we need to go to the wall and watch for Him. He is speaking. Are we listening?


09/01/2024 - "Habakkuk" "A Divine Answer to a VERY Mortal Question "