
09/01/2024 - "Habakkuk" "A Divine Answer to a VERY Mortal Question "

Join me for my Sunday Message in the Series "Habakkuk" - "A Divine Answer to a VERY Mortal Question." In our grief, pain and sorrow we so often ask the "why" question of God. So also His ancient servant Habakkuk regarding the pressure of invading armies and sieges upon the major cities of Judah. Why was God allowing such things to happen to His people?

The answer to Habakkuk's initial questioning did not include a rebuke for even asking the "why" question. In fact if anything God affirmed the Prophet's concern for his nation and disarmed his protest. In His response God describes the instrument of His judgement that is coming to discipline His people and hopefully finally turn them from their idolatrous ways and back to a pure relationship with Himself. God gives the prophet a detailed description of the Chaldeans/Babylonians and their savage power.

In this response, however, we also learn something crucial about the character and nature of God. We learn of His severe mercy, His retributive justice, His extreme patience and His unfailing, steadfast love. Indeed, we will learn much about this Almighty God we serve. Join me at 1:30 or later on Facebook. Or also on our church Youtube channel, bethanyassemblyonline.


09/15/2024 - Habakkuk, A Minor Prophet with a Major Message


08/25/2024 - The Grumpy Prophet