
04/02/2023 - Mary Magdalene, a Soul Set Free

Join me for my Palm Sunday message, "Mary Magdalene, a Soul Set Free" The scripture does not give us much detail about the life of Mary of Magdala except for the fact that she was liberated by Jesus, set free from possession by seven wicked, demonic spirits. Hers' is truly a story of incredible deliverance and a story of a life of gratitude expressed in her service and support of the activities of Jesus and His disciples. One has to wonder, if she was indeed a "woman of means" as the scriptures indicate, then how did it happen that she wound up bound by Satan's emissaries? Well, tune in tomorrow and we will take on that question and discuss how demons may in fact progressively occupy the lives of the unsuspecting.


04/09/2023 - He Spoke Her Name


03/26/2023 - A Supper of Significance