
03/26/2023 - A Supper of Significance

Join me for my First Easter series message "A Supper of Significance." Jesus' final celebration of the Passover with His Disciples became more than just the ritual Jewish meal. During that supper He set down a pattern for us in "The Lord's Supper" in order that we might always "remember" and keep in mind the sacrifice of Calvary. The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 11 lays down some fairly straightforward teaching regarding the practice of this supper in order to correct some gross misbehaviors among the members of the church in Corinth. And by the way, I am fairly certain many of them still exist in the church today.


04/02/2023 - Mary Magdalene, a Soul Set Free


03/19/2023 - Building Bridges for Those Who Will Follow