
01/28/2024 - Love Lifted Me

Join me for my Sunday message "Love Lifted Me." When Jesus encountered Peter and the rest of the disciples at the seaside in one of his post-resurrection visitations, He engaged Peter in a dialogue that was designed to "clear the air" so to speak. This was undoubtedly welcomed by Peter since he assuredly felt great remorse for his betrayal and abandonment of the Master in His hour of great struggle and passion.

The initial question was simple and direct, "Simon, son of John, do you truly love me more than these?" More than what? More than the other disciples? More than the profession of fishing? More than the family and friends he left behind? More than the rhythms and routines of life? And yet it is a legitimate question for any follower of Jesus today or any of the days down through the passage of time since Jesus walked among us. Do we really love Him MORE than __________? (And I leave it to you to fill in the blank.)

The love God has for us has never been in question. The real question remains, do I love God in a reciprocal relationship? Loving God means loving people, His people, people who are not His people (yet) and especially people who are not at all like us.


02/04/2024 - Why the Blood?


01/21/2024 - It's the Little Things