
06/04/2023 - Stones of Testimony

Join me for my Sunday Message, "Stones of Testimony." In the Older Testament it is recorded that when God spoke to his people in a unique manner or when He demonstrated His power by rescuing them from danger or when He worked some great victory on their behalf, it was customary for them to set up a "standing stone" as a way of memorializing the event so that not only would the current generation be reminded but also that future generations might know of the faithfulness of God to deliver His people.

We too must have a stone of remembrance or testimony to keep us refreshed in our memory of the past when God "came through." However, this stone also can become a powerful rock of testimony regarding the present as it helps us reckon the fact of God's continuing faithfulness. Finally, as we look to the future a standing stone of testimony will serve as a reminder of what God can do for us in the uncertain days that lie ahead. A recollection of the past; a reckoning of the present and a reminder for the future.


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