
02/25/2024 - Prayers for Prodigals

Join me for my Sunday Message: "Prayers for Prodigals." The story of the Prodigal Son found in Luke 15 is not just the story of a "rebellious, wasteful son" but more likely the story of a "prodigal" (extravagant) father. Becky and I, like many in ministry and in our congregations, have a prodigal child. In order to know how to pray for them we must first understand the meaning behind the parable of the "Lost Son" and how it fits in context with the parables of the Lost Coin and the Lost Sheep. In each instance there was someone looking for something lost, a single woman looking fora single coin of the bride price, a shepherd looking for a single sheep and a father diligently looking daily for his lost son to return on the road home. In each instance and especially in the case of the lost son, the illustration is bold and convincing: God is always searching for the lost and will not give up until they come home.


03/10/2024 - Last Words, The Last Super Discourses in the Gospel of John


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