
03/10/2024 - Last Words, The Last Super Discourses in the Gospel of John

Join me tomorrow for my Sunday message, the first and introductory message of the new series, "Last Words, The Last Super Discourses in the Gospel of John."

The teaching of Jesus as faithfully recorded by the four evangelists are presented in stages with each succeeding stage accomplishing a different goal, unique from the others. The Sermon on the Mount, a series of instructions given to His closest followers at the start of His ministry proclaimed the “Gospel of the Kingdom.” This served as a “differentiation” of the Old and New Covenants.

The parables and allegories of His daily teachings in the Temple courts and in the countryside were proclaimed to large audiences, growing each day. These were the explanation, illustration and illumination of the “Gospel” (euangelion) He proclaimed. Only those who had “ears to hear” understood.

The “Last Supper Discourses” which we shall study are again with an “intimate” group of hearers and are specifically targeted at them as the ones who would carry on the mission after His removal. They are the very culmination and application of this “Gospel of the Kingdom” which would ultimately (when embraced) change people's lives.

In order to obey His commands, we must know what they are and the demands they place upon our lives as His disciples of this era.

In order to know what He has commanded we must study carefully His teaching found in the records of His life. In order to study and learn the Gospel teachings, we must understand their purpose with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, who lives in us.

In order to truly “know” Christ and live “in” Him, we must know more than just information about him, we must know His commands and live by them.

Ultimately if the lost will know our Jesus we must know Him and to know Him we must keep His commandments. "If you love me, you will obey what I command." John 14:15


03/17/2024 - Do as I Have Done


02/25/2024 - Prayers for Prodigals