
07/23/2023 - Crisis at the Crossroads

Join me for my next message in the Evangelism series: "Crisis at the Crossroads." Surveys from a number of sources all point to the fact that most people who receive Christ as Savior in their adult years do so in the teeth of some crisis situation. The American Psychological Association defines ‘crisis’ as: A time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger, when a difficult or important decision must be made and a turning point is reached. It is an event that typically has tremendous effects upon the emotional, physical and even spiritual health of an individual.

Interestingly, the Latin from which it is derived indicates “a place of judgement or decision in which a choice must be made.” It is akin to the word “crucis” which is Latin for “cross” – the instrument of execution upon which the Savior died. Therefore, I would propose that a crisis is a “crossroad” in the life of an individual, a time in which he may choose a path toward or away from God.

The story in Acts 9 of the conversion of Saul on the Road to Damascus is just such an occurrence of a "Crisis Salvation." How grateful we ought to be that at the ready was an ordinary disciple of the Lord Jesus who was listening and watching for his next assignment. Are you ready to respond when someone you know that does not know the Savior enters that crisis mode and needs to hear from God at the "Cross"roads?


07/30/2023 - Excuses Excuses Excuses


07/16/2023 - Fear Not, I am with you