
07/30/2023 - Excuses Excuses Excuses

Join me for my Sunday message, "Excuses, Excuses, Excuses." In Luke 14 Jesus tells a parable about a man who give a banquet for invited guest who all asked to be excused from attending. Various reasons were given that were thin at best and outright rude at the worst. The thrust of the story is to remind us that on that day when the redeemed of the Lord gather for the great Wedding Feast at the end of the age of opportunity only those who have accepted the invitation and made their reservation will participate.

There are typically dozens of excuses that people give in the present age for why they will not receive the Gospel message and make Christ the Lord and Savior of their lives. In this message I will explore the core of these excuses and propose how those who seek to be winners of souls may counter their excuses and get them to consider that time is running out. The call of God is about to go out, "come, for all things are now ready."


08/06/2023 - Evangelism What's YOUR Excuse?


07/23/2023 - Crisis at the Crossroads