
08/06/2023 - Evangelism What's YOUR Excuse?

Join me for my Sunday Message: "Evangelism: What's YOUR Excuse?" Moses was 80 years old, a shepherd keeping watch over his Father-in-law's sheep on the backside of the desert in Midian. He could not go back to Egypt because he was a wanted man. And yet everything that had occurred in his life to that point had been part of God's plan to be the very one He would send to Pharaoh of Egypt to say, "Let my people go!"

Of course, Moses had a whole list of reason why he could not possibly accomplish the assignment and at each excuse God pointed to a resource He would provide to complete the Mission. So what is our excuse when God wants to use us, regardless of our age or situation? As my Seminary Counseling Professor Dr. Brock used to say, there is no such thing as an excuse. There are reasons why we do what we do or fail to do what we ought to do. However, none of those reasons can be used as an excuse.


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